About Our Chapter

We’re glad you’re here to learn a little more about our chapter!

Day & Time:

We meet on Wednesdays from 9AM until 12PM.

A Typical Day:

Our day begins at 9:00 AM with morning prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Children will then move into their academics where they will learn and review memory work, enjoy hands on art and science, and a snack. Midway through the day, we come together as a group for chorus.  At 12:30, we all join back together for closing prayer and announcements.  Families can then share lunch and fellowship before heading home.

We typically meet for three weeks and take the fourth week off. On the off week, we will often do a field trip or some type of community building event.

Books, Supplies & Fees:

Catholic Schoolhouse just went through a major restructuring to make our program more accessible to large families! For full details please visit our Annual Fees Page here.

Each family is responsible for purchasing one Tour Guide- “Tour 1, 2, or 3 depending on the year” from the Catholic Schoolhouse Store or through your local chapter at a bulk order discount. The tour guide is your resource for all the memory work that is covered each week. This book allows you to dive deeper into the topics discussed each week in whatever style suits your family best!

Ages & Grades:

  • Ages 0-2 – Nursery. If there is a need we will provide a parent staffed nursery
  • Ages 2-4 – Pre-Grammar
  • Grades K-5th – Grammar
  • Grades 6th-8th – Dialectic
  • Grades 9th-12th – Rhetoric

Pre-Grammar Students use the same memory material as the Grammar students but implementing them at an age appropriate level using elements of the Montessori style.

Grammar students learn material in Language Arts, Math, History, Classical Roots, Geography, Religion, and Music. They will also work on an art lesson and a science experiment each week! Learning is made fun through activities, songs, and games.


Dialectic Students will study Composition (IEW), Speech, Reading of great works, Geography, Art, Music, and Science experiments

Rhetoric Students dive deep into History, Art, Literature, Religion, Speech, Composition (Lost Tools of Writing), and, depending on the year, Government, Logic, or Economics.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Chapter Member Benefits

1. Office Depot/Office Max Discount
2. Formed.org Membership – Have access to the library of Catholic videos, audio books, book studies, lectures, and other content go to Formed.org with our group code.
3. Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) – Receive $20 off the annual membership with our group discount code.
4. Raise Right Scrip Fundraising Program – Helps you fundraise your family’s fees for the next academic year.